Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The poor Indian who lives in the shanty house
Who loves a drink during the day, but is a pleasant drunk
Lives like an animal whose hunting methods can not be surmised.
Who is assumed to live off the sun.
Skimming some margin of substance from the vastness
That we can’t see a living to be made off of.
He comes from a time when two legged creatures crowded under the sun.
They put their inside lives into things such as wagons.
And they lived as if inside outside, against the outside.
Danger to them was from everywhere.
They were always filthy and they all sang the blues all their lives.
Gods of nature watched them from the hills
Like the sun, and they felt like the sun.
What is it in these indefatigable creatures
That made them want to win against us - and let them win.
This narrow wagon train in the valley, this ant line creeping
That belies eastern armies will spread and toil in the West
In slow agony. In filthy poverty.
To make something out of nothing to make nothing out of us.
Something that was once beautiful. Something
That was glorious by every definition of the word.
Something such as that which cannot exist.
That walked through the plains radiating masterfulness
Was not truly so to the force of nature that brought this great enemy upon us.
Was not truly so to this animal who cannot exist.
There is a particle of Myth contained in all our lives.